Friday, January 18, 2008

The Renegade Network Marketer Story

Here is my very own opinion on two of the HOTTEST eBooks on the Internet today.

Recently, I got a call from a very close friend who had received a free eBook called the 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. Don told me about the new eBook and the marketing system that had come out in June 2007 and wanted to send me the link to the free book. Two hours later, I read the file and thought about what this book might mean to the world of Network Marketing. I don’t know how else to describe it except to say that this is the secret that we ALL have been searching for.

Let me give you my thoughts.

Ann Sieg has a belief that sales is a process where you must have a steady stream of contacts entering your personal funnel in order to create sales. Ann also believes, like I do, that Network Marketing is basically sales. So Ann set out to create a system that allows anyone to create a pipeline of prospects for their business. But that is not all. The system is also set up to create an income that will fund your advertising efforts. Here is the cool part. Ann actually wants you to have success with her system and then once you have a understanding of how a system like this works, and once you have created financial success utilizing her system, she wants you to branch out and create your own system so that you may better control and serve your team as the Leader they are looking for.

Let’s look at the system closely:

Landing Pages - where you send prospects and Internet traffic to.

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing:
The Renegade Network Marketer:

The 7 lies eBook is free and designed to be viral.

When a person signs up for the 7 lies eBook, you get their eMail address. This is then a good time to send out a quick email back to them and introduce yourself, offering to answer any questions the person might have.

The Follow Up System - this is an email drip system

These messages will provide good business tips and advice, but will also sell the prospect on taking the next step…buying The Renegade Network Marketer.

The Renegade Network Marketer

This eBook has over 100 pages packed with very specific information related to how this type of system works and why it was put together. This eBook was an eye opener to me, and I have seen as many as most in my time as a Network Marketer. When a person purchases the Renegade Marketer eBook from you, you get a commission and at this time, you also get the persons information, Name, Address, Email, and Phone. This allows you to build a relationship with the person and see if you might be able to do business together, (With your main MLM/Product Business!). Now some people will already be involved with a company, but some will likely be looking for a company to join. You will build a close relationship and perhaps a future business partner through this process. I should also mention that the commission structure is actually a two tiered affiliate, meaning that you also get paid a smaller commission on sales that your downline affiliates make.

The Back End

The back end of the system is filled with links that are very helpful in terms of marketing your online business. Also, anyone that purchases the Renegade Network Marketer eBook can become an affiliate for free, and when they become a free affiliate, the links in their back office point to your affiliate codes with different companies like SBI, Clickbank, Aweber, and other helpful links related to your network Marketing. This will take you some time to set up, but it will be very profitable over the long haul. These are good solid companies that many online marketers use every day and make huge sums of money with.


The main purpose of this wonderful system is to fill your funnel with good quality leads. And wouldn’t it be nice to make $200 a week or a day through The Renegade Network Marketer while doing it?

The last thing I should mention is that while much of this system is automated, the relationship that you build with potential business partners is not automated. Ann is great at making this point in her book. A long term business is built on relationships. And do not worry, even if you don’t have a clue about online marketing, traffic generation, copywriting and sales, there is a complete training section in your back office. The training section is worth thousands on it’s own.

Well that about sums up my input on what I feel is the GREATEST system on the Internet today.

Please feel free to visit my website, EcoLife LLC for more information and while you are there look around and see what there is on this Wide World Web we use every day!

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