Monday, June 29, 2009

Guest Speaker and FREE Report

This article is a guest post by Aaron Abber of I am a part of Aaron's mentoring program where he is teaching me and others how to make money blogging. Go visit the site now and grab his free report "How to Retire on 200 Visitors a Day".

Make Money Blogging: $3,502.46 1st Full Month Earnings
01 Apr
Posted by Aaron at as Blog Income, How to Blog, Make Money Blogging, Making Money Blogging

March 2008 was the first month I worked on my blog. I had pathetic traffic - just 623 unique visitors - but it still made me a good deal of money:$3,502.46 to be exact.

Now I have had some people tell me they were skeptical of my claim to have earned so much. In fact, one […]

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