Monday, August 10, 2009


After I saw the first ad on Google for how to earn money on the internet I have for some inner child reaction, have been drawn to becoming a Beta tester for online or video games.
Now the big problem for me is that I am not the most coordinated person in the world, nor do I play a lot of video games to start with.

So as you can imagine as I started looking into who offered training or at least would give me a chance to earn a few bucks and still enjoy myself, I was blown away with the sites out there.

Right off I found that memberships were required and with some being 3-4 months up to a year like Game Tester Guide, I had to choose an option that would let me grow with the games. Well as expected that did not work out so I turned to the quality factor offered. Again doing my due diligence, I found hands down that Game Tester Guide had the best overall information about the jobs out there for Beta Video Testers.

To my surprise, there did not seem to be a huge amount of competition for these jobs which made it easy for me.

I was able to find a job with the help of Game Tester Guide within a week and got the rate that I felt was more than fair to start. I had always loved to play video games, but to get around $18 per hour doing what I love was just iceing on the cake for me.
Anyway, I just want to say that if you are looking to do a job that is fun, action oriented and keeps you busy and on your toes, check Game Tester Guide and see what they can do for you. Check out a site at for some really great articles about them and what they have done for others looking to get into this cool job market. I found a job within my first week of being a member. They even helped me get the pay rate i wanted. I didn't think it was possible for me to average $17/hour on my first paycheck at any job. And i was working with video games, which I've always loved playing.

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