Saturday, September 5, 2009

RLS and Modern Alternative Medicines

I personally am a victim of RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome. I can tell you first hand that RLS is quite painful and annoying. It is one of the worst feelings that I have ever encountered and never thought that I would have such pain. Both of my legs jerk and I have a feeling of itchy feet and a burning jerk sensation in both legs. This only gets worse during the night and keeps me up all night. It actually happens even while I am sleeping. I tried medications such as Mirapex, but the side effects of that drug are horrible. I do not reccommend it for anyone as it is very addictive and causes other bad reactions.

Lately I have switched to a light form of Yoga exercise as well as Tai Chi Chih ( 太 极 智 ), which is a series of 19 movements and 1 pose that together make up a meditative form of exercise. Yoga seems to get rid of my restless leg syndrome for a short period and also enhances my mental and spiritual state of mind. It seems also that with RLS one has to concentrate in all aspects of mind control from the physical to mental and even the spiritual relm.

I have tried many over-the-counter medications but Yoga seems to work best as it appears to be a natural form of treatment that is the best for my Restless Leg Syndrome problems. So if you want to get rid of this terrible problem and if you suffer as I do visit for details in e-book guides that are readily available for download via the Internet.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Board Games are Passe - NOT!

You know something, life is too short to be serious all the time. No wonder, then, that people have realized that the changes in our society and the tragedies that have come from terrorist attacks around the world are reflected in board games on the market today. Titles like Monopoly, Risk, Scrabble, Battleship, Stratego, Outburst, That's Life, Apples to Apples and Password, are still among the most popular sellers in America.

However, while the sleeping giants try each year to redevelop their classic games, other manufacturers are busy coming with new titles like Cranium, Wings of War, Farkle, World of Warcraft and Pandemic. Scrabble is still one of the most popular board games of all time. Initially, one would choose seven tiles at random from a bag and see if they could create words. Players would build out these words from tiles already on the board and competing for the most points, based on the numbers assigned to each letter, and special places on the board that awarded double or triple points, try to out score their opponents . Over the years, new versions of Scrabble have emerged to encourage a whole new generation of board buyers. For example, there are games of Scrabble board games as part of the Presidential edition, where one must try to win states, win points to win popular votes and then become Commander in Chief.

There is also an edition of Star Trek-Scrabble where players can consult dictionaries from the "Klingnon" vocabulary and thus can win, "Tribble" points.

There are also a number of special editions for children, such as Scrabble Me, Scrabble Junior, Scrabble Junior 2009, and many others. A Milton Bradley game called "Upwords" has won wide popularity as a concept similar to Scrabble, except that players earn points by stacking letters on top of one another and take more than one word changes at once. After the takeover of the company's Milton Bradley, Hasbro has re-christened the game "Scrabble Upwords.

Now we must not forget that when talking about board games, everyone knows Monopoly. The Monopoly board game is the best selling game of all time, selling more than 200 million copies since 2004. Players accumulate wealth by buying land around the monopoly board and the collection of taxes from other players who land on their properties. The game continues and will until all players have gone bankrupt, except of course for the winner. There are literally a monopoly games made for the whole world! Some versions are sensible upgrades such as the popular Monopoly Here and Now World version, where instead of buying the railways, a player winds up buying famous buildings and monuments, or there is the "City of the Game", where players create urban landscapes in center of the board, rather than on the plaza outside, or there is "Here and Now World edition for those who have plans for world domination.

You can also buy games theme after the Atlanta Braves, under the Fisheries, The Simpsons, about cats, about dogs, The Beatles, A Christmas Story, U.S. Coast Guard, Twilight, GI Joe, James Bond, Harley Davidson, I Love Lucy, Las Vegas, Disney, NHL, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Seinfeld, Pirates of the Caribbean and much, much more.

The 2009 American International Toy Fair in New York has introduced some great new board games this year. "Pants of Fire" (3 or more players, ages 10 +) is a fun game of storytelling, where a player writes short stories about each of the three themes highlighted. For example, a "bad day" or a "first job", and the other players must guess if the story is true or false. " Another fun table game just out is "The Pressure Point" (3 to 8 players, ages 10 +) where players are in a race against the clock to answer a list of questions as quickly as possible, while other players bet on the number of correct responses that the players give. "Masters of Venice" (2 to 5 players, ages 10 +) is a strategy game where players must act as 15th century Italian merchants trading spices, silks, precious stones, iron and grain, while playing others like a gondolier. And another one called The Settlers of Catan is really exciting.

Even more pioneering is the NEW DESIGNER award which is given to someone with only one or two success stories published, including ghost stories, likeEdward Beck who designed "Domain and Conflict of Heroes". Some of the most innovative games out of this year include, Android, Battlestar Galactica, Domain, Tails of Snow and Space Warning. Some of the new BEST FAMILY GAMES include: Formula D, Pandemic, Say Anything, Sorry Sliders and the Stone Age.

So as we can see there has been a shift in the types of games even though the "classics" remain in vogue. This can only grow faster and wider in scope as our world evolves in whatever direction it may. So are board games passe and a thing of the past? I think not!

Monday, August 10, 2009


After I saw the first ad on Google for how to earn money on the internet I have for some inner child reaction, have been drawn to becoming a Beta tester for online or video games.
Now the big problem for me is that I am not the most coordinated person in the world, nor do I play a lot of video games to start with.

So as you can imagine as I started looking into who offered training or at least would give me a chance to earn a few bucks and still enjoy myself, I was blown away with the sites out there.

Right off I found that memberships were required and with some being 3-4 months up to a year like Game Tester Guide, I had to choose an option that would let me grow with the games. Well as expected that did not work out so I turned to the quality factor offered. Again doing my due diligence, I found hands down that Game Tester Guide had the best overall information about the jobs out there for Beta Video Testers.

To my surprise, there did not seem to be a huge amount of competition for these jobs which made it easy for me.

I was able to find a job with the help of Game Tester Guide within a week and got the rate that I felt was more than fair to start. I had always loved to play video games, but to get around $18 per hour doing what I love was just iceing on the cake for me.
Anyway, I just want to say that if you are looking to do a job that is fun, action oriented and keeps you busy and on your toes, check Game Tester Guide and see what they can do for you. Check out a site at for some really great articles about them and what they have done for others looking to get into this cool job market. I found a job within my first week of being a member. They even helped me get the pay rate i wanted. I didn't think it was possible for me to average $17/hour on my first paycheck at any job. And i was working with video games, which I've always loved playing.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How To Make Money From "Funny Videos"

Maverick Money Makers © 1997 - 2008

Did you know that you can easily make "Funny Videos" websites, and then make residual income from them. Many people have done just that and are actually making a very nice living off it. Here's how to make "Funny Videos" websites and have residual income for life:

1. Getting a site.

The first thing to making a "Funny Video" website is choosing a proper name. You really need to have some fun trying to think up catchy names for your website. A catchy, unique and memorable name is key to not only getting traffic but maintaining traffic.

2. Getting the Videos.

You can easily lift videos from many popular video sites. But there are also sites that allow you access to many of the popular "Funny Videos" which you can use. Many sites share with one another these videos as well. So getting the "Funny Videos" to supply for your "Funny Videos" website is relative easy.

3. Making the Money.

Making money off your site is going to consist of different forms of income streams. From PPC ads, banner advertising, and then actual products which you can sell on your site and receive large commissions from.

You need to open accounts at Google and Yahoo for PPC ads, and then find internet products which will coincide with the type of "Funny Videos" you'll be showing.

Once your site develops traffic, you can then start to sign on with larger business's for banner ad's which can also pay very well. The combination of different income streams will bring in a steady income flow as long as your traffic is steady and this residual income will be amazing.

4. Putting your site together.

There are a wide variety of programs you can get for building sites. And many will take the headache out of the "coding". A very good "How to make a video website" book or manual will show you exactly what needs to be done and provide inside access to sources which can make a whole lot easier. Be sure and search for these at:


Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.

If you want to make money online,
join the society before it's too late.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Look At This Chunk Of Gold I Found!

Here are 101 simple ways to get more subscribers to your blog or website.

When an opportunity like this comes to get help from someone truly successful, you just can’t afford not to grab it.

Once you choose to learn from the best, you will be provided with all the knowledge you need to succeed. To be noticed your blog needs to make a splash - as there are more than ten million blogs out there. So learn some design elements that can help you add more zing to your blog. You'll find that and a list of free blog resources, included when you visit this site.
This article is a guest post by Aaron Abber of
I am a part of Aaron's mentoring program where he is teaching me and
others how to make money blogging.

Go visit the site now and grab his
free report "How to Retire on 200 Visitors a Day".

Make Money Blogging: Don’t Give People What They Need


Posted by Aaron at as Copywriting, Make Money Blogging, Making Money Blogging

You’ve probably heard it said:
“Give People What They Need”
and you’ll make a mint.
But here’s the shocking reality if you want to succeed: Don’t give people what they need…
“Give Them What They WANT”
There is a huge difference.
With discretionary income most people tend to buy products and services they WANT rather than simply buying what they […]

Guest post by Aaron Abber

This article is a guest post by Aaron Abber of
I am a part of Aaron's mentoring program where he is teaching me and
others how to make money blogging.

Go visit the site now and grab his
free report "How to Retire on 200 Visitors a Day".

Want a Six Figure Blog? Here’s Your Free Class


Posted by Aaron at as Make Money Blogging, Making Money Blogging

For RSS and email subscribers I just uploaded the first class in my seminar:

Info Business Profits: How to Turn Your Blog into a Six Figure, Hands Off Information Business

In this seminar you will discover:

How Ron earned over $6,000 his first 44 days online

How Kevin earned over $8,500 in one week

How Jeff earned over $200,000.00 […]